Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Helen taft


            Hello, my name is Bailey Solarek, in class we had to do research on a president’s first lady. The first lady I choose was Helen Herron Taft.  Helen was born on June, 2, 1861 in Cincinnati, Ohio; her parents are John and Harriet Herron. Helen was the fifth of ten children; seven sisters, two brothers; Emily Herron Parsons (1856-1931),  unnamed infant sister (1857) Jane "Jennie" Herron  Anderson (1858-1930), second unnamed infant sister (1860) Maria Herron (1864-1954), William C. Herron (1864-1922), John W. Herron (1870-1949), Eleanor Herron More (1874-1931), Lucy Herron Laughlin Lippitt (1879-1961). Her schooling was in a primary department (6-10 of age), during these years, her lifelong love of music was also borne out of lessons from George Schneider, and then she was in the high department (attended at the age 11). She was raised in the religion of Presbyterian. Before she was married she was a regular school teacher.  She was 25 years old, on June, 19, 1886, the Herron home, Pike Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; she got married to William Howard Taft. William Howard Taft had first met Helen in the winter of 1879 at a bobsled party. After her and William got married she became a kindergarten teacher. She stopped working when she figured out that she was pregnant. Together they had three children, two sons, one daughter: Robert Taft (8 September 1889 - 31 July 1953); Helen Taft [Manning] (1 August 1891 - 21 February 1987); Charles Taft (20 September 1897 - 24 June 1983). She said "I found, at last, a practical method for expressing and making use of my love and knowledge of music," she recalled. She did all this while raising her three children essentially alone, since Taft was largely away from home as circuit court judge. Relocating to Washington with her husband, Nellie Taft found her own life as a Cabinet wife dull and demeaning so she threw her energies entirely into helping secure Roosevelt's support for Taft as the Republican presidential candidate in 1908. She was 47 when Taft got elected as president; the dates of the presidency were 4 March 1909 - 4 March 1913. The important political role that Nellie Taft played in helping her husband get elected to the presidency, what she euphemistically termed "an active interest," was not as much in evidence during his Administration. Much of her work during the transition was in vetting potential political appointees but she soon found her own personal projects, social planning and household management consuming her time, seeing plays/ musicals, and planning parties.  Taft reveled in her husband’s inauguration, and she proudly became the first presidential wife to ride next to her husband in the procession from the Capitol to the White House after the inauguration. Once in the White House, Mrs. Taft’s attentions turned away from politics and more towards the operation of the executive mansion and its complex social activities. She later observed about her life after entry to the White House: “My very active participation in my husband’s career came to an end when he became President.” She added, "In the White House I found my own duties too engrossing to permit me to follow him long or very far into the governmental maze . . . ." Nellie Taft's public appearances were limited after she suffered a stroke on 17 May 1909. The stroke was not devastating, but Nellie Taft did suffer from aphasia, and had to relearn how to speak As First Lady, Nellie lost little time in making changes to the White House.  She converted several public rooms for the private use of her family.  “Perhaps I did make the process of adjusting the White House routine to my own conceptions a shade too strenuous.  I could not feel that I was mistress of any house if I did not take an active interest in all the details of running it. …I made very few changes, really.”  The Taft’s, however, were the last presidential family to have a cow on the White House lawn and the first to have a presidential automobile. After their White House years, Helen Taft took up residence with her husband in New Haven, Connecticut, she returned to her beloved Washington in 1921 when her husband was given the office to which he had aspired most of his adult life, chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Helen Herron Taft died in 1943, thirteen years after her husband's death. Well that’s everything I learned about my first lady I hoped you enjoyed learning about Helen Herron Taft, before, during, and after the presidency of William H. Taft.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cell phone etiquette

five most important rules of phone etiquette are
1. Always be curtious to others in puplic outings.- because where ever you go your not the only one there .
2. Always ask permission before you post anything of your friend without there ok.- because the person  may not want anyone to see that.
3. Never be on you phone when your talking to someone face to face.- because it is rude to the person your talking to, and that person calling can wait unless if its a 911 emergency.
4. Always have appropriate ringtones if your going to have your phone on.- because the people around you may not like that kind of music, or words.
5. Never text or call someone during a movie it is rude to the others around you.- others will be destracted by you or your conversation, instead of what they paid for to watch.

Friday, October 12, 2012


I Subscribed to Bailey's, Emily's, Kassie's, Christy's, and Nick's blog. Also i subscribed to my classes blog, the monroe evening news, and new scientist.

RSS questions

What does RSS stand for?
             Really Simple Syndication
 How does it Work?
            Republishing an article that comes from another source such as a website or blog and the 'really simple part' is self-explanatory.
What are 2 benefits to using one?
            RSS is that is a great way to publicize any updates or new content that has been added to a website or blog. Subscribers to the site's feed are obviously interested in what is happening at the site or they would not have subscribed to the feed in the first place and once they have subscribed the information is there for them.
Compare and contrast “RSS Feeds”, “Feed Reader”, or “Aggregator”?
            They are all feeds.    
What Google product is an RSS Feed?
            Google Reader.
What do you need in order to sign up for an RSS feed?
            You can use any account to sign up for an RSS feed.
What does it cost?
            IT doesn’t cost anything.

Reflection of Id Theft

The topic of Id Theft impact me in many ways, like making sure all my information on the internet private. The steps that i will take to prtect my self are first to burn any of my information i dont need anymore.Second always read back over any bills or anything that i charge, or pay for.

Monday, October 8, 2012

No Homecoming...

Saturday was the day of homecoming, I my self decided not to go to homecoming. What i did instead of going to homecoming I hungout with my boyfriend, my friend hayle, and my family. We all decided to go bowling and had a blast, and then at the end of the day on saturday me, my friend, and my boyfriend decided to go to the movies and see pitch perfect. Even though i didnt go to homecoming i had a very fun weekend!

Friday, September 28, 2012

My Week!!

Now just starting a new year there are a lot of new things that i have been introduced to. So just this week ive had to give my real car baby back from parenting, which was a hassle over the weekend. After i gave the baby back i had to write out a paper telling my experience with the baby, and it was 10 paragraghs long!! Anyways im glad to be working on my new art project, in school and it will finally be finished by next week... cant wait!

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog!! My name is Bailey, and im making this blog for my Online Experience class. I will use this blog for my class, and maybe if i want to for my own personal purposes. I hope to enjoy having this blog!